Article was written in reply to an e-mail asking if Akhenaten's body has been found and was there any relationship to a coffin in the Cairo Museum.
There hasn't been any major change in the last decade and his final resting place is still unknown. Joann Fletcher published a theory about Nefertiti's body, but this has received very mixed review - mainly because of the unorthodox way the information was released.
It remains one of those tantalizing questions in Egyptology. Tutankhamun's rapid move from Aten to Amun was no doubt
dictated by political expediency (or maybe as a necessity for survival within a
tarnished and fragile dynasty). I personally do not feel that the erasure of
Aten from temples etc would have extended into desecration of the person (which
would be very much against Ma'at) - but this was clearly a dramatic time in
Egyptian history.
Tomb During the re-excavation of the royal tomb at Amarna it was found that
blocking had been put in place in the burial chamber, suggesting that Akhenaten
was buried there initially and then removed. Others do not believe that the tomb
was used. However, in view of the heavily smashed fragments of his sarcophagus
and canopic jars recovered from it and also the shattered examples of his
ushabtis, it seems very likely to be his Amarna tomb.
Amongst the distinctly 18th Dynasty jewellery
found cached outside the Royal Tomb at Amarna the small gold ring with
Nefertiti cartouche is significant. What is almost certain is that his
body didn't remain at Amarna. It's unlikely that Akhenaten's adherents
would have left his body to be despoiled by his enemies once his death
and the return to orthodoxy unleashed a backlash of destruction. A
strong contender for his post-Amarna resting place is tomb KV55 in the
Valley of the Kings.
KV55 is cut into the floor of the main valley between the resthouse and
KV6 Rameses IX (Neferkara Setepenra, ruled 1126-1108 bc). It's a very
simple tomb with an entryway followed by a single corridor leading
directly into burial chamber (with a side chamber). KV55 was probably
excavated at the same time as KV46 and KV62. An ostracon painted with
what may be part of the original tomb plan was found in KV55 in 1993
when the tomb was cleared by Lyla Pinch Brock. It may show indications
of the widening of the entrance, a feature also suggested by mason's
marks on the wall near the tomb entrance. Marks on the walls indicate
that, after the entrance and stairs were cut, the entrance was enlarged,
the ceiling raised, and the number of stairs increased. The walls and
ceiling in the burial chamber were plastered but undecorated. Objects
span a range of rulers from Amenhotep III (Nebmaatra, ruled 1390-1352
bc) to Tutankhamun (Nebkheperura, ruled 1336-1327 bc).
KV55 was originally sealed with blocks of limestone plastered with
mortar and stamped with the seal of the necropolis. When this was broken
through, rubble fill was inserted in the corridor. An attempt seems to
have been made to remove the remaining burial equipment sometime after
this event. It was resealed with rough blocking (during 20th Dynasty) as
were other tombs in the area, but this blocking did not remain in place.
This appears to be a cache of burial equipment and human remains from
the Amarna royal necropolis. The tomb may originally have contained a
number of burials brought from Amarna and later redistributed in other
tombs. The mummy of Queen Tiye, for instance, may have been placed in
KV55 and later in the KV35 Amenhotep II cache (Aakheperura, ruled
1427-1400 bc). It appears that when the tomb KV6 Rameses IX was cut just
north of KV55, debris was dumped over the entrance to KV55. Analyses of
the assortment of objects found in the tomb have contributed to several
theories concerning the use and owner of KV55 - including a set of
canopic jars now housed in New York and Cairo:
For more
information on canopic jars in this set housed in the Cairo Museum,
For more
information on the one housed in the Metropolitan Museum in New York
click here.
Coffin A
coffin was found in KV55 in 1907 by Edward Ayrton (funded by Theodore M.
Davis). All the objects were removed by 1908 and it was protected by a
steel door - this later disappeared, to be replaced by a stone blocking,
which by 1944 had collapsed. The entrance of the tomb then began to fill
with debris. In 1993, Lyla Pinch Brock cleared the tomb, and in 1996
repaired the plaster in the burial chamber.
The coffin has a commoners wig but has been fitted with a beard and
uraeus (strong indication of a royal). After burial the uraeus and gold
face mask were torn away. The coffin's design was for a woman and the
hieroglyphs were intended to be spoken by a lady "the beloved on
Akhenaten". However, the inscriptions had been changed from feminine to
masculine and the name changed to a cartouche - which was subsequently
erased. It is thought to have been originally prepared for Kiya and then
adapted for use by someone else. Kiya was another of Akhenaten's royal
wives and she was possibly mother to his successors, Smenkhkara and
Body The mummy was unwrapped in the KV55, it was superficially intact but
had suffered major water damage and after the bandages were taken off
only bare bones remained. It was initially identified as a woman,
possibly because Theodore Davis was keen to have found Queen Tiy.
However, most agree that it is a male because of the narrow pelvis. The
age is more of a problem. Up until 1960 there was general agreement that
it was the remains of a male of no more than 25 years old (because bones
showed un-fused epiphyses and un-erupted upper 3rd molar) - and of a
similar rare blood group as Tutankhamun and Thuyu. Since then the age
has been revised to a person as young as 18, with a skull similar to
both Tutankhamun and Tuthmosis IV and a close relative to Tutankhamun.
Logically this would put the body as either father, son or brother to
Tutankhamun - the person best fitting this is Neferneferuaten
(Smenkhkara, ruled 1338-1336 bc). It is romantic to imagine Tutankhamun
giving his elder brother a burial appropriate to his position and away
from Amarna.
Egyptology and Archaeology through Images : Last updated on 17-December-2023