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2005-mar-11 272

Stela of Kkent-Ekhtay-Em-Hat, a temple official who dedicated this stela at Abydos in order to honour Osiris and be close to the god's cult. The limestone stela depicts Khent-ekhtay-emhat at the left, with his arm raised as if he were addressing an audience. The nineteen lines of hieroglyphs are a hymn to Osiris, which reads in part:

Praising of Osiris, recited by the Attendant of the Chamber of henket-offerings, Khent-ekhtay-emhat, justified. He says:
'Hail to you, Osiris, foremost of the Westerners,
On this beautiful day when you have arisen.
...Revered in the hearts of men, gods, the blessed, and the dead,
...Greatly beloved upon the earth,
...Great of appearances in Abydos,
Who has been justified before (his father) Geb and the Nine Gods
...Because of the magnitude of the reverence for you.
Such is Osiris, the heir of Geb, sovereign of the gods, Power of heaven, prince of the living, And king of those who are in the beyond.'

From Abydos; late 12th Dynasty or 13th Dynasty

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