Ancient Egypt and Archaeology Web Site

ashmolean_sep2006_ 148

Pottery (potsherd) ostracon inscribed in Greek listing the owners, locations and dimension in Schoinion of seven fields and this may be notes taken by a Field or Tax Inspector. Greek numbers were written with letter of the alphabet, fractions shown with a vertical line above the letter. There were also special characters (/ or =).

The land-survey gives the measurement of the sides of fields as a---c in Schoinion - the area in arouras. If two opposite sides are equal the second measurement is abbreviated as " (ie the the same). An Aroura is equal to a square Schoinion (1 Schoinion = 100 cubits). The area calculated by multiplying the averages of the two pairs of the opposite sides.


Example of the text is:
5½ 4' 8½ 4'
The land measurement of the land of Kalliedon (farmed) by Petechonsis, beginning on the west
4'8' 16'32' ½ 4'8' 8'16'/4'16' Aroura

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