Statue of
Amenhotep I (Djeserkara, ruled 1525-1504 BC), Sandstone, plaster, paint.
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty.
The inscription identifies this king as Amenhotep I (around
1575 - 1504 BC), seated on a throne with a rectangular
pedestal. He wears the white crown with uraeus at the
forehead, the royal beard, and the heb-sed or jubilee dress
- a cloak enveloping most of his body. His arms are crossed,
the right hand holds a crook, the left a flail. The figure
is thick-set with big feet and an enormous oval head, with
full, rounded cheeks and jowls. It was painted; substantial
traces of red pigment remain on the body and white plaster
survives elsewhere.
This statue was set up in the main
temple of the fortified town established by Amenhotep I's
Ahmose (Nebpehtyra, ruled 1550 - 1525 BC), on the island
of Sai, which during this period was effectively Egypt's
southern border. It was probably produced in a local
workshop, which would explain the disproportionately large
head of Amenhotep I and his rather bulbous face, which are
not found in the few other sculptures identified as his to