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The Semna Despatches, 12th Dynasty from the Ramesseum (EA 10752/3). Part of hieratic papyrus with reports by the Fortresses Commanders on the tracking of a group of 32 Nubians and 3 asses. This level of monitoring must have taken high levels of resources, as did the extensive communication between Buhen (and other fortresses) and Thebes.

The document was found with other papyri in a Middle Kingdom tomb under the Ramesseum in 1896 by James Quibell, are detailed administrative records, probably mainly originating mainly from the fort of Semna on the southern border. They record the arrival and departure of various groups of Nubians, and include the reports of various surveillance parties who were tracking in the desert. The texts show that the Egyptians carefully monitored the movement of people and controlled trading activities.

The reports is thought to date to Amenemhat III's reign (ruled 1831-1786 BC during the 12th Dynasty) says:
It is a communication to the Master, may he live prosper and be healthy, to the effect that the soldier of Nekhen ... came to report this to your servant at breakfast time on the 2nd day of the 4th month of spring, in the 3rd year, on a mission from the officer of the town regiment, Khusobek's son Mentuhotep's son, Khusobek ... who is acting in lieu of the officer of the sovereign's crew in the garrison of Meha (a district in Nubia) saying 'The Patrol that went out to patrol the desert-edge near the fortress of Khesef-Medjau [Serra East] on the last day of the 3rd month of spring in the 3rd year has returned to report to me saying "We have found the track of 32 men and 3 asses ..." '
   Egyptian Warfare and Weapons, Ian Shaw, Shire Egyptology
   COMPAS (British Museum)




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