Raneb, 2nd Dynasty

is identified in with Kakau and Kaichos (Manetho) and is thought to be the
second king of the 2nd Dynasty.
His tomb has not been found but jar
sealings have been found in the subterranean galleries near the pyramid of Unas
(5th Dynasty) at Saqqara, so maybe the tomb is in that vicinity. On an
ancient trade route to the western oasis behind Armant, Ra-Neb's name has been
found crudely inscribed on rocks.
Manetho wrote that during Ra-Neb's reign the worship of bulls of Apis at
Memphis and of Mnevis at Heliopolis and the goat of Mendes were established.
However it is known that the Apis bulls were worshiped in the 1st Dynasty so
Manetho's information may be questioned. Also Manetho wrote that he
reigned for 39 years.
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Stela of Raneb 2nd King of 2nd Dynasty
(2890-2686 BC) - Metropolitan Museum, New York
Fragment of vase, inscribed with Raneb and Ny-Netjer, 2nd Dynasty from the tomb of Peribsen at Abydos
- British Museum
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