Teos, ruled 362-360 BC

- Teos was the second ruler of the 30th Dynasty. He
was also known as Tachos to some Greek writers. His father was the previous
Nectanebo I (Kheperkara).
- When he took the thrown, he planned to attack the
Persians and recruited the assistance of Greek mercenaries. The Greeks were
led by the old Spartan King Agesilaus who brought 1,000 hoplites and was also
joined by the Athenian Chabrias. Teos's Generals disagreed with his plans of
attack on Phoenicia in 360 BC and the whole campaign was a failure - he was
deserted by both the Greeks and the Egyptians. Nekhtharehbe, supported by
the Greeks, assumed the thrown and returned to Egypt as King. He ruled as
Nectanebo II (Senedjemibra setepenanhur, c360-343 BC).
- Teos fled to Persia, and was given refuge by
Artaxerxes II, where he died in exile.
- Related articles
Faience saucer from the palace of Apries in Memphis,
cartouche of Teos - Petrie Museum
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